Vitale da Bologna and Workshop, Jesus Resurrects the Widow of Naim's Son

Pomposa Abbey, Codigoro, Italy

In Luke 7:11-17 this episode occurs immediately after the cure of the centurion's servant. In the fresco cycle, it appears directly to the right of the revival of the daughter of Jairus. Approaching the town of Naim, Jesus sees a funeral procession for a young man, the only son of a widow. He tells the dead youth to arise, and so he does. In the fresco, we see Jesus gesturing on the left, the young man rising up from his bed-like bier that four townspeople are carrying, and the widow with her companions on the other side of the bier.

View the other panels in the Pomposa Abbey frescos.
View more images of Jesus and the widow of Naim's son.

Photographed at the abbey by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.